Top 10k strings from 16-48 Magazine - Issue 14 (1985)(16-48 Tape Magazine)(Side B).tzx
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5 STOP THE TAPE 4 ;a$(player): 4 ;"<";player;">": 4 ;" ": 4 );" COUNTERS HOME" 3 RUN THE TAPE 2 z$="10030203STOP THE TAPE": 2 n,o;" ": 2 VERIFY NOW 2 RETURN TO MAIN MENU" 2 EEEEEEEEGG 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 ;"fill"+r$ 2 ;"CROSSWORD": 2 ;"'ILLEGAL MOVE' TRY AGAIN ";a$(player): 2 ;" ": 2 ,pos1)=player 2 ,player)=h(1 2 ,player)+1 2 ((prog+168 2 "HAVE YOU SAVED TITLE PAGE? 2 "8",i;"Press a key for Help;"'': 2 "23658",o: 1 zine Ltd. *6\$: 1 z$="ll130201AND ": 1 z$="ll020302GREEN MEN": 1 z$="ll000402DUNGEONS": 1 z$="18050203The Ludoids": 1 z$="18010202THEN READ ON....": 1 z$="14010102EVEN OUR ADVENTURES TOO HARD?!": 1 z$="12070103The Long Way Home": 1 z$="11000102STILL CAN'T FIND THE WAY HOME?": 1 z$="10030203RUN THE TAPE": 1 z$="10020203RUN THE TAPE": 1 z$="10000203LET THE TAPE RUN": 1 z$="09020203STOP THE TAPE": 1 z$="08000102UNFRIENDLY ROBOTS ?": 1 z$="00140201OF": 1 z$="00020202WHAT'S IT FOR?": 1 z$="00000802MENU": 1 z$="00000202THAT'S ALL FOLKS": 1 z$="00000202SAVING & LOADING": 1 z$="00000202HOW DO I USE IT?": 1 z$="00000202FILLING IS FUN!!": 1 rev4 1 rev3 1 rev2 L 1 rev1 V 1 pos1=pos1-40 1 pos1=pos+th: 1 p$="1122334455667722744": 1 m=player*4 1 m=(player*4 1 m$="and start your search for": 1 m$="You must <DROP THE SPACESUIT<before you can go east": 1 m$="What do you need to see in<the dark ?": 1 m$="We hope that you enjoyed<the first chapter of our<~new look~ adventure game<THE LUDOIDS, that started<last month.<Apologies to 16Kers who are<missing instant full screen<graphics and (almost) instant<replies.": 1 m$="WEAR THE BADGE <that you took from the shuttle.": 1 m$="Try<PUSH or PUT BADGE INTO<THE BLUE SLOT": 1 m$="To operate an air lock, you<can only open one door<at a time.": 1 m$="Sorry !!< <You must draw a map as you go< (It's not impossible).": 1 m$="See clue 1 !": 1 m$="PRESS THE WRIST DETECTOR<when you have found the ludoid<jammer.": 1 m$="OPEN THE BAY DOORS<before you<PUSH THE BUTTON TO LAUNCH THE<SATELLITE.": 1 m$="In the 1st barn READ POSTER<then in the farm house <ASK THE LADY WHERE LEY FIELD IS": 1 m$="If you have discovered any<solutions, interesting short<cuts or bugs in any adventure<game then drop us a line at<16/48. We will send you `5 if<we publish your contribution.<Send us your problems and we<will do our best to save you<from death, destruction and<an over-heated Spectrum.": 1 m$="Hello again,<This month we give you a few<hints to help you find ": 1 m$="For adventure help press;": 1 m$="Don't touch anything<except the spacesuit.": 1 m$="Don't stay in any room<too long.": 1 m$="As with ~The long way home~<the first few chapters will be<relatively easy, and then will<get slowly more difficult.": 1 ludo , 1 l=l+(k$="6")*(l<11 1 i,o;" ": 1 fill=32000 1 fill32 1 fill O 1 comp14 1 c=c+(k$="8")*(c<11 1 agazine Ltd. *6\$: 1 agazine Ltd*S\ 1 a;" ": 1 a$(player)="ZX " 1 a$(player) 1 ]MAGNETIC MAGAZINES 83:H\ 1 Z$="LLCC0202"+A$(N,1 1 Z$="10030203RUN THE TAPE": 1 Z$=" YCC0202"+A$(N,Y/2 1 XXXXX XXXXXX X X X XXXXXXXXXX XX X X XXXXXXXXXXXX X X X XXXXX XXXXX X X XXXXXXXX XXXX X X X XX XXXXXX XC 1 UNDERWURLDE MEMORY: 48K PRICE: `9.95 PROGRAM: ULTIMATE Ultimate Play the Game The Green, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire. 1 UNDERWURLDE 1 UDG H 1 This is an arcade/cartoonadventure, with 22 very colourful but similar screens. In this wacky 2Dworld Jasper has to swingover ponds, climb trees, jump over animals and avoid nasty insects. The animation is reasonably smooth, but a touch slow. 1 The strange thing about this program is the way it loads. For some unfathomable reason it mimics a Beeb, loading its code in blocks (14!) and without border stripes. Considering who wrote it, I expected better. 1 The object of the game is simple, to get your end of term report from the staffroom safe and destroy the incriminatingevidence. You achieve this by firing catapults at teachers and hitting your mates in the face before jumping on them! 1 The graphics are stunningand the animation uses a new technique called 'Filmation' , which makesSandy White's Soft Solid look very 2D. Every room has its own fiendish puzzle which may require the use of objects found elsewhere. EXCELLENT. 1 The animation and graphics are excellent, without any clashing of sprites as they move pasteach other. Teachers givelessons as well as lines and there is a strict timetable to be followed.An excellent game and very good value. 1 The action is constant and frantic, with well animated sprites. However, the graphics are not quite up to the usual Ultimate standard. If you complete the game you are informed that thenext Sabreman adventure will be called Mire Mare! 1 THATS ALL FOR THIS MONTH 1 STACK 01014 00PRESS 01074 00INCREMENT 03018 00RUN 04092 00TEMPORARY 05018 00HALT 07013 00ERASE 07064 00INTEGER 09016 00VAL 09092 00ROTATE 11035 00SHIFT 01014 10ACCUMULATOR01031010PIE 01072 10ENTRY 01094 10SIGNED 01115 10MERGE 03064 10SAVE 07093 10INK 09012 10RET 09072 10PLOT 08113 10L 1 SKOOL DAZE Competition 1 SKOOL DAZE MEMORY: 48K PRICE: `5.95 PROGRAM: MICROSPHERE 72 Rosebury Road, London N10 2LA. 1 S$="XXXXX XXXXXX X X X XXXXXXXXXX XX X X XXXXXXXXXXXX X X X XXXXX XXXXX X X XXXXXXXX XXXX X X X XX XXXXXX X" 1 REWIND AND PLAY TO VERIFY 1 REVIEWS 1 RETURN TO MAIN MENU 1 QUIT ROUTINE 1 PRINT WORD 1 PRINT CLUE 1 PRESS ANY KEY 1 PRESS A KEY 1 Our untiring hero has to do battle with the minor demons who guard the key tunnels of the complex. The next challenge is theDevil himself.Sabreman isalso constantly harrassedby spirits who play gamesof team ping pong with him. He is the ball! 1 On your travels you must collect the ingredients for the potion that will cure you and deposit theminto a cauldron. You haveforty days and nights, which pass all too soon, to complete this task. The maze is massive and different every game. 1 OGEEEEEEEEGG 1 OEEEEEEEEGGGGGGG 1 MAGNETIC MAGAZINES : 1 M$="You must<release the satellite when you<are in a parking orbit.<(The robot will tell you when.)": 1 M$="There is nothing you can do.<It's a weird planet.": 1 M$="Do they ever ?< < Try PHONING HOME.": 1 London W4 4PH. 1 LUDO 1 LET THE TAPE RUN 1 KNIGHT LORE MEMORY: 48K PRICE: `9.95 PROGRAM: ULTIMATE Ultimate Play The Game The Green, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire. 1 JASPER MEMORY: 48K PROGRAM: DEREK BREWSTER PRICE: `6.95 PUBLISHER: MICROMEGA 230 Lavender Hill London SW11 1LE 1 Issue 14 Competition 1 INPUT WORD 1 However, if you have 48K there is an option to modify the code so that it can be used at 64000." 1 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 1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX 1 Code saved and verified. 1 CROSSWORD ~ 1 CHECK FOR FINISH 1 ARRAY AND NT E E R UT A LOGICALRED L U LI COMMA SBIN W E BITU E IN E RT X T E IEXTEND OPEN O O E GOR RETURN 1 A pile which grows downwards.K 1 @@@@@@@@@@ 1 ;;a$(l);" COUNTER RETURNED TO START": 1 ;"When you have put a blank tape in the recorder press any key to" 1 ;"THROWN"; 1 ;"THAT COUNTER IS HOME ";a$(player): 1 ;"Satellite (LWH#7)"''" Home (LWH#8)"''" The LUDOIDS (Chapter 1)"''" I don't want to know any more": 1 ;"SIDE 2 LOADING" 1 ;"SATELLITE": 1 ;"Place a formatted cartridge in drive one and press any key.": 1 ;"PRESS ANY KEY" 1 ;"PRESS A KEY": 1 ;"PRESS A KEY ( 1 ;"PLAYER 4 HAS ";h(1 1 ;"PLAYER 3 HAS ";h(1 1 ;"PLAYER 2 HAS ";h(1 1 ;"PLAYER 1 HAS ";h(1 1 ;"PLAYER ";g;" WILL GO FIRST" 1 ;"PLAYER ";a;" = ";a$(a): 1 ;"Next month YAZ returns with D&G": 1 ;"MUST THROW A 6 TO START COUNTER": 1 ;"HIT A KEY( 1 ;"GENERAL RULES" 1 ;"ENTER 'ZX' IF YOU WANT THE"; 1 ;"DO YOU WANT TO PLAY AGAIN? (Y/N)" 1 ;"CROSSWORD" 1 ;"COUNTER START, ANY KEY=2nd THROW": 1 ;"COMPUTER TO ACT AS PLAYER<>";a 1 ;"CODE saved and verified.": 1 ;"ARE YOU SURE YOU WANT TO QUIT? PRESS Y FOR YES OR N FOR NO." 1 ;"6) AN EXACT THROW NOT REQUIRED TO ENTER 'HOME'. " 1 ;"6 THROWN, ANY KEY TO THROW AGAIN": 1 ;"5) LAND ON OWN COUNTER =ILLEGAL." 1 ;"4) LAND ON OPPONENTS COUNTER IT IS RETURNED TO START POSITION." 1 ;"3) ONLY 1 COUNTER PER 'SQUARE'. " 1 ;"2) THROW A 6 TO START A COUNTER." 1 ;"16/48D&G14": 1 ;"16/48D&G14" 1 ;"1) THROW A 6 FOR A SECOND THROW!" 1 ;"(or REVIEWS in 16K.)" 1 ;" ";a$(player);" YOU NEED TO THROW A SIX ": 1 ;" THIS IS A VERSION OF THE GAME 'LUDO' IN WHICH THE COMPUTER MAYPLAY FOR UPTO ALL OF THE PLAYERS" 1 ;" PLAYER ";player;" NEEDS TO THROW A SIX ": 1 ;" PLAYER ";won;" :- ";a$(won);" HAS WON " 1 ;" PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE " 1 ;" LET THE TAPE RUN " 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" " 1 ;" ": 1 ;" ": 1 ;" 1 8888888888888880(( (0008 1 8888888888888880(( (00008000(((88888888888888880 0000080000088888888888888880 0000008000088888888888888880 0000000000088888888888888880000008000000000000402010000 1 8888888800000000 00080 1 23635+256* 1 16/48LOAD2 1 16/48D&G149 1 16/48 Magazine 1 10 Barley Mow Passage 1 0000pppx0000000000000000000000000000ppppx000000000000000000000000000pppppx00000000000000000000000000ppppppx00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 1 000000800000000000000000000 1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000)000000000000hh0hh0hh0hh0((0((0(8000000((000000000000000000000008000000((00000000000000000000000(0000000000000000000000000000000(00000000000000000000000000000000 00000 1 ,pos1)=player: 1 ,pos1),a(2 1 ,o;" ADVENTURE HELP FROM Baz. " 1 ,m)+th>t(2 1 ,m)+th<t(1 1 ,m)+th-t(2 1 +p3+p4))+1 1 **************** 1 ******** LUDO ********* BY :- GARY REYNOLDS. NOTTINGHAM, ******************************* 1 *** START COUNTER ? *** 1 *** START COUNTER *** 1 *** ROLL DICE *** 1 *** PLAIN MOVE ! *** 1 *** MOVE COUNTER *** 1 *** MAKE A MOVE *** 1 *** LAND ON COUNTER *** 1 *** INPUT TO BEGIN ! ** 1 *** INFORM WINNER *** 1 *** CONTROL LOOP *** 1 *** ARRAYS & SCREEN *** 1 ** VACINITY OF HOME *** 1 ** SET UP VARIABLES *** 1 ** JUMP ON OPPONENT *** 1 ** COMPUTER/PLAYER ? ** 1 ** COMPUTER DECISION ** 1 *(r$="64"): 1 );"hours "; 1 )-(k$="7")*(l>1 1 )-(k$="5")*(C>1 1 ));"Minutes."'"PRESS ANY KEY ( 1 (prog+1217 1 'LUDO' WAS PROGRAMED BY G.REYNOLDS (SEPT. 84) 1 ''''"Press any key to start again."''''" 1 '''"The routine is 145 bytes long and is is now stored at 32000."''"It fills upwards and outwards and then downwards and outwards from the last plot position."'"Some shapes may need to use the routine twice." 1 '''" PRESS"'''" 1 ''"The one graphic command which which can make Beeb owners gloatis the fill routine. Now we can use one as well." 1 ''"The code cannot be relocated. 1 '"When a shape has been drawn on the screen you need simply to PLOT any point inside the shape and then call the fill routine with ""RANDOMIZE 1 '"SAVE ""fill";r$;""" 1 '"If you choose a save option fromthe menu on the next page you can save the machine code as" 1 '"""fill64"" must be loaded to 64000"'"and called with"'" RANDOMIZE 1 '"""fill32"" or ""fill64"""''"It is important to remember that""fill32"" must be loaded to 32000"'"and called with"'" RANDOMIZE 1 "Send the tape with a note sayingwhich TWO MICROSPHERE games you would like to -"'" 1 "NUMBER OF PLAYERS (2-4) "; 1 "NAME OF PLAYER (6 ltrs)";a$(a) 1 "MOVE WHICH COUNTER "; 1 "ENTER the word "; 1 "CROSSWORD" 1 "A pile which grows downwards.","Words which flatten.","Something one does by way of addition.","Clear up and start again.","Mary Toper will not always be confused.","Wait until interrupted.","remove a seer by arrangement.","Wholesome quantity.","A girl who knows the price of string.","Turn from trot east without a saint." 1 "A dress to change gear in.","It adds up.","It may be crusty but it sounds constant.","This is no way out for a thing in a log.","This sort of number would be changed if it were singed.","Load without loss.","The best people do this at 9999.","Sets the colour of set bits.","Going back to the sound of Scarlet's 2nd husband.","A screen conspiracy." 1 ";mem;",145" 1 "8",i;"Press keys 1-5 for help": 1 "3";"Get thrown out of museum"''" Maze is too difficult"''" Can't get out of airlock"''" Unfriendly Robots (i)"''" Unfriendly Robot (ii)"''" 1 "3";"Can't get back to spaceship"''" Chickens throw you out"''" Where was the meeting ?"''" Can't find co-ordinates"''" Mushroom hums"''" 1 "3";" Can't squeeze through door ?"''" Satellite will not launch."''" Cannot use the Trans-Mat ?"''" Public Phone won't work."''" End up in LWH chapter 1"''" 1 "23301",(k$="q")+2 1 "23300",16 1 "16/48LOAD2" 1 "16/48D&G14" 1 "11",i;"1"''" 1 "10";"LUDOIDS": 1 "'''"Follow the prompts and when the picture is displayed press"''" 1 "''"Cursor"'"keys"'"move *"''" 1 "'"When you see the picture use keys 1 "'"The first 10 tapes from the bin on the IDES OF MARCH will be thelucky winners." 1 " ": 1 " 1 !!!!!!..........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,,,,,,,,,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!D 1 you will save thepicture twice to tape." 1 you will return to this page and the picture will remain as you left it."''"If you press 1 to"'"answer a"'"clue."''" 1 to turn back a page,"''" Any other key to page through the review."'''"The display will stay on the screen for as long as you hold a key down."''"Don't forget 1 to read again."; 1 to quit."''" 1 to quit and move on,"''" 1 to quit & load CROSSWORD.": 1 to produce the unscrambled screen."''"If you press 1 to page backwards."''''" 1 to load LUDO."; 1 changes"'"mode"'"(across or"'"down)"''"Press"'" 1 TO QUIT WHILE DICE ROLLS" 1 QUITS"''" 1 I believe that someone atMicrosphere had a very unhappy school life, and is now hellbent on revenge. The pupils of SKOOL DAZE make the Beano's Bash Street Kids look like a class of angelic model students. 1 DON'T RUN OR CLEAR:GOTO 1.": 1 1984 A.P.S. 1 "," "," 1 ""32"" or ""64"" to select"'"the address you wish to use." 1 to save to tape,"'''" 1 to save to microdrive,"'''" any other key to move on." 1 This is the other sequel to Ultimate's Sabre Wulf.You have been bitten by the Jungle Wulf and are now transformed nightly into a werewolf.Your onlyhope is to seek the old wizard, Melkihor, in his deadly castle labarinth. 1 THIS PROGRAM TAKES ABOUT 17.4K OF MEMORY WHEN 'RUN' 1 Underwurlde continues theadventures of Sabreman, and, as usual, he is lostin a collossal maze. Thistime the maze is an under-ground cave complex belonging to none-other than the Lord of darkness ....Satan!(Too heavy.) 1 While out for a stroll our rodent hero has lost his key, and to make things worse the Furt haswangled (I've no idea). It is our task to guide Jasper in this quest for his front door key and then home, safe to Mum. 1 PRESS ANY KEY TO CONTINUE ":